Prices for using services

Prices for using services -
We offer a variety of SEO data verification services: search engine ranking, page errors, the relevance of search phrases and expected landing pages, basic errors and deficiencies with the site host and his domain name.

Prices for search engine placement and error checking on website pages are fixed and independent of the amount of information being processed. The cost of checking search engine positions is much higher than the cost of checking errors on site pages, as this operation uses third-party proxies.

The prices and estimated monthly costs of 1 project with 100 search phrases and 100 relevant landing pages are shown in the table:

Price for one checking
100 pcs.
Per 30 days
Checking of the target page
0,01 UAH.
1,00 UAH.
30,00 UAH.
Checking of search system results
0,02 UAH.
2,00 UAH.
60,00 UAH.
Checking phrase relevancy to target page*
0,01 UAH. 1,00 UAH.30,00 UAH.
Checking of errors of one page
0,01 UAH. -
0,30 UAH.

120,30 UAH.

Note that the indicative estimates for one project are calculated as the maximum permissible monthly costs. In reality, most users check for a significantly smaller number of pages and search phrases, so the real cost can be much less.

By the way, you can check pages and search results not every day. You can set a check interval, say 3 days.

Please note that when you review the relevance of a phrase to a page, you will be charged for each phrase, regardless of the variety of landing pages. Yes, if you have 100 phrases but are expected to lead all of them to the homepage, then a one-off relevance check of all the phrases will cost 100 0.01 = 1.00 (UAH).

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To raise your project in the TOP-10 is not enough to eliminate all the shortcomings found on the pages of your site, you need to implement a long-lasting and more advanced set of activities developed by specialists.