Public offer agreement for the provision of other information services

Public offer agreement for the provision of other information services -

FOP Baida Miroslav Vladimirovich, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, offers information services (hereinafter - Services) to a legal or natural person (hereinafter - the Customer) (hereinafter referred to as the Parties) through the Contractor's website on the Internet and using the Artist Software Suite, which is hereinafter referred to as the One and the Site.

The Contractor, under the terms of this agreement, is the seller of the Services and receives compensation from the payment systems and can bill the Customer for payment at the bank branches.

The unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this public Offer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) is the payment made by the Customer through the pre-payment of services, or registration on the Site.

1. General provisions.

1.1. General Services means:

1.1.1. Provision by the Contractor of uninterrupted activity of the Site and the possibility of access of the Client to the Site through standardized software of the Client (web browser) received from third parties and for which the Contractor assumes no responsibility.

1.1.2. Provision by the Performer of the opportunity to use their own unique data, such as e-mail, nickname, password, for the registration of the Customer on the Site and uninterrupted access of the Customer to the personal data on the Site.

1.1.3. Periodic, with an interval no more than specified by the Customer, an analysis of the websites indicated by the Customer and their HTML pages with subsequent fixing of remarks and recommendations on the Website of the Customer using the specialized software without giving the Customer access to this software, but only to the results thereof work.

1.1.4. The Contractor Software Complex will access the websites specified by the Customer as a regular unauthorized visitor (without login and password). Thus, information obtained through the Contractor's software will be considered public and publicly available and cannot be the subject of legal protection by the Customer in the event of a dispute between the Customer and the Contractor. The Client undertakes to implement a set of measures for protection of personal and commercial information on the specified websites, giving the Contractor, as well as other visitors, only public information.

1.1.5. The Contractor undertakes not to store or disseminate information from the websites specified by the Customer in the form of entire web pages or their full content. The contractor performs the processing, analysis and systematization of the collected data and provides information services in the form of recommendations.

1.1.6. By this provision, the Parties agree that the Customer must confirm its proprietary rights or delegate to it temporary authorizations of the third-party developer who owns them on all specified websites and their HTML pages. For this purpose the Contractor provides and the Customer places a special meta tag on all pages, which should be unique for each web site host.

1.1.7. The Site accumulates statistical information on the change of the quality indicators of the sites specified by the Customer and their pages, and the Contractor gives the Customer access to this statistical information, even after the amount of prepayment made earlier by the Customer.

1.1.8. Sending to the Contractor notifications by e-mail of the Client regarding the progress or the results of the analysis, the termination of the funds previously provided to the Contractor, or any other data concerning the Services.

1.1.9. Provision by the Contractor of information about the funds sent by the Customer to the account of the Contractor for providing the Services and information on the balance of the funds on the Site (section in the personal account). The parties agree to the acceptance of this agreement, however, that the provision by the Service Provider of periodic data analysis on the pages of the websites specified by the Contractor will be immediately terminated in the absence of prepaid funds.

1.2. Paid information services:

1.2.1. Landing Page Check for Errors (HTML page on the website specified by Artist);

1.2.2. Checking the relevance (relevance) of the specified search phrase to the landing page;

1.2.3. Checking the website for errors;

1.2.4. Checking the presence and position of the website specified by the Customer in the search engine ranking according to the customer's search phrase.

2. Rights and obligations of the parties.

2.1. The customer has the right to:

2.1.1. To access the Site and data on the Site in the use of authorization.

2.1.2. Add, edit and delete data required to analyze and provide the Services to the Contractor. These include website addresses, scanned pages, keywords, and more.

2.1.3. To save data from the Site provided in the form of the Services on its own storage media, incl. your computer's hard drive as text, spreadsheet, or graphical electronic data.

2.1.4. Contact the Contractor for help or with a complaint about the Services provided, or their non-compliance with the provisions of item 1.1. of this contract.

2.1.5. Require unilaterally to terminate the provision of the Services and to request reimbursement of any funds remaining on the Site that have not been spent on the Services.

2.1.6. To terminate the Services if the terms of this agreement do not satisfy it.

2.2. Customer is prohibited from:

2.2.1. Take actions to restrict or prevent other users from accessing the Site and Services.

2.2.2. Attempt unauthorized access to the accounts of other users on the Site.

2.2.3. Publish, transmit (send) any information that contravenes international law.

2.2.4. Publish or transmit any information or software that contains computer viruses or other related components.

2.2.5. Use profanity when communicating with customer support, make unjustified accusations against the company in any form.

2.2.6. Attempt to obtain Services on Third Party Websites that did not authorize Customer for such action. Require the Contractor to provide the Services based on data from websites where the Customer cannot place a special meta tag due to lack of authority and access.

2.3. Duties of the Performer:

2.3.1. Provide the Customer with the Services after the payment has been credited.

2.3.2. To register the Customer by transferring the password to the Customer's E-mail. Consider Email of Customer with login for authorization on the Site.

2.3.3. Limit the provision of Periodic Review Services upon completion of the amount previously paid by the Customer.

2.3.4. To consult the Customer regarding the use of the Services.

2.3.5. Ensure the activities of the Site.

2.4. Artist rights:

2.4.1. To suspend rendering of Services to the Customer or to terminate the Contract unilaterally without returning payment in case of breach of Clause 2.2. of this Treaty.

2.4.2. Modify the Services and inform the Customer about the changes.

2.4.3. To change the provisions of the Agreement without informing and prior consent of the Customer.

2.4.4. Make invoices to the Customer for prepayment for the Services to be provided in the future.

2.4.5. Change pricing for paid services or add new ones.

3. Cost of services and payment methods.

3.1. The Contractor shall offer the Customer a separate cost per unit of each of the paid services (verification) described in clause 1.2. and published in a separate table on the Site (

3.2. The prices apply only to the paid services described in clause 1.2.

3.2. The Contractor shall have the right to change the cost of the Paid Services at any time unilaterally without any special notice from the Customer.

3.3. The new revision of prices comes into force since its publication on the Site.

3.5. The Customer is informed of changes in the prices for the Services since the publication of their new version on the Site.

3.6. Payment methods:

3.6.1. Bank transfer to the Contractor account.

3.6.2. Online LiqPay payment system.

3.6.3. Online Portmone Payment System.

4. Acceptance of the offer to conclude the Contract.

4.1. This Contract is a proposal of the Contractor to conclude an agreement (offer) (Article 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine) and is concluded by full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) by the Customer of all its terms (Article 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine). The contract has legal force in accordance with Article.633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine without signing a copy in writing by the Parties and is equal to the contract signed between the Contractor and the Customer.

4.2. The Agreement is concluded by ordering the Services through the Site and paying them by the Customer in one of the ways stipulated by Section 3.6, without signing a written copy by the Parties.

4.3. By entering into the Contract, the Customer automatically confirms that he is acquainted with and agrees to the terms of the Agreement, the prices for paid services and all conditions stated on the Site.

4.4. Services are not provided to the Customer who does not agree with the terms of this Agreement.

5. Calculation procedure.

5.1. The provision of the Services to the Customer is made on the condition of his 100% prepayment for an arbitrary amount, which he considers sufficient to receive the required number of units of paid services at the specified Contractor price.

5.2. The Contractor shows the Customer his balance in the authorized part of the Site. The parties have agreed to refer to the Client's balance on the Site as "Balance".

5.3. Services are paid by the Customer in UAH.

5.4. The moment of payment is the date of full transfer into the Contractor's bank account in full.

5.5. When paying for the Services, the Customer pays for banking services independently.

5.6. The customer is solely responsible for the correctness of the payments made by him and their timeliness.

5.7. The Contractor may return the funds to the customer by means of reimbursements from the Payment Systems upon the Customer's prior request, indicating the payment card number of the Ukrainian bank.

5.8. Refunds may be made to the Customer in the national currency of Ukraine (in UAH) through any of the Payment Systems within 3 banking days after the Client's statement.

6. Special conditions and responsibilities of the parties.

6.1. The Customer is solely responsible for maintaining his password and for any damages that may result from unauthorized use of the password.

6.2. Upon theft of the login and password due to the fault of third parties, the client has the right to send to the Contractor a request for changing the login and password.

7. Force majeure.

7.1. The Parties shall be released from liability for total or partial non-performance, improper performance of their obligations under the Contract, if it is caused by circumstances of force majeure (force majeure) which the Parties could not foresee and which could not be prevented by all reasonable means.

7.2. Under the circumstances of force majeure, the parties understand the circumstances that occurred after the conclusion of this Treaty as a result of events of an extraordinary nature, namely: natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, fires, lightning, etc.), war, hostilities, hostilities without declaration of war , armed conflicts, uprisings, revolutions, strikes, mass riots, lockouts, terrorist acts, coups, blockades, actions of state bodies, adoption of normative acts, if such circumstances led to an objective impossibility for the Party to execute their obligations under this Treaty. The parties have agreed that force majeure circumstances are also considered to be accidents in the energy supply and communications system, as well as decisions and actions of state and municipal bodies, organizations.

7.3. In the event of force majeure that prevents a Party from fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement, that Party shall immediately notify the other Party by email or telephone.

7.4. In case of force majeure circumstances, the term of fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement is postponed to the validity of such circumstances. Should circumstances of force majeure continue for more than a month, either Party shall have the right to withdraw from this Agreement without obligation to indemnify the other Party for any loss. The parties may also discuss alternative proposals for the implementation of the Agreement, which are not impeded by force majeure.

8. Dispute resolution.

8.1. The Parties shall endeavor to resolve all disputes and disputes under this Agreement through negotiation.

8.2. In case the dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation, it shall be settled by the appropriate court in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of Ukraine.

9. Effect of the Contract.

9.1. This Agreement is public and indefinite, effective from the moment specified in clause 5.2. Of the Agreement, and shall be valid for the period of rendering of the ordered and paid Services, but in any case until full fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations under the Agreement.

9.2. This Agreement is publicly disclosed to all Customers by posting it on the Site.

9.3. This Contract may be unilaterally or partially amended by the Contractor at any time unilaterally without any special notice from the Customer. The new version of the Agreement shall enter into force upon its publication on the Site. The Customer is informed of the change in the terms of the Agreement since the publication of its new version on the Site. The Contractor shall not have the right to change the terms of the Agreement in respect of the Services paid in full (for such Services the Agreement shall be valid in the version in which it was concluded).

9.4. The invalidity of certain provisions of this Agreement shall not entail the invalidity of the entire Agreement as a whole.

10. Details of the Performer.

10.1. Bank details.

Organisation:ФОП Байда Мирослав Володимирович
Recipient code:3331800190
IBAN Recipient Account:UA833052990000026005026808079

10.2. Artist contact information:

10.2.1. Contractor Phones: +38 (093) 527-17-94 (including Viber), +38 (096) 806-55-64.

10.2.2. Artist Mailboxes: [email protected].

10.3. Any communications regarding financial matters or services received on behalf of the Contractor other than from the contact details described in clause 10.2 may be considered false and may be ignored by the Customer.

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